The National Institute of Health funded a research project to address a critical public health concern about lung cancer risk and the intervention of smoking cessation. The study aimed to investigate lung cancer’s relative risk (RR) and its potential variation between the intervention of smoking cessation and control groups over time. The goal was to understand the impact of smoking cessation interventions on the risk of lung cancer, which is crucial for informed decision-making and improved health outcomes.

We determined the sample size using a robust power analysis to ensure precision. We specified the anticipated effect size, significance level (alpha), and desired power (1—beta) parameters.

The project used a comprehensive survey dataset, which formed the foundation of the research. The dataset comprised survey responses from 12,000 patients collected over six years, allowing for a longitudinal examination of the RR of lung cancer among both intervention and control groups. We imputed missing data using multiple imputations.

The hypothesis postulated a significant difference in the RR of lung cancer between the intervention of smoking cessation and control groups over time. The analysis utilized a mixed Analysis of Variance (ANOVA), a robust statistical method for examining the effects of both between-subjects factors (intervention vs. control group) and within-subjects factors (changes over time) on a continuous outcome variable (RR of lung cancer). 

The analysis yielded compelling findings that provided valuable insights into the client’s inquiry. The research results indicated a statistically significant difference in the RR of lung cancer between the smoking cessation intervention and control groups over time. This discovery underscored the impact of smoking cessation on modifying the risk of lung cancer and highlighted the significance of this factor in cancer prevention.

Through the project, the client derived valuable insights into the effectiveness of their smoking cessation intervention in reducing the risk of lung cancer. The knowledge gained informed healthcare strategies, interventions, and further research into lung cancer prevention. The findings have the potential to benefit both healthcare providers and patients by informing preventive measures and strategies to reduce the risk of this deadly disease.

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