Painkillers & Chronic Pain

Novartis engaged our team to conduct a comprehensive survey-based study investigating the effect of painkillers on chronic pain management. The study’s objective was to provide healthcare providers and patients with valuable insights into the effectiveness of pain medications in managing this challenging condition.

We built the research project on a substantial dataset of 11,000 patient survey responses collected over nine years. The central hypothesis guiding the study was H1 – Painkillers significantly affect chronic pain. The team conducted logistic regression analysis through the statistical software SPSS. The aim was to assess the effect of predictor variables, in this case, painkillers, on a binary outcome variable, i.e., the presence or absence of chronic pain.

The analysis yielded compelling findings that provided valuable insights into the effectiveness of pain medications in alleviating chronic pain. The research results indicated a statistically significant effect of painkillers on chronic pain management. This discovery highlighted the importance of painkillers in the management of chronic pain and underscored their effectiveness in providing relief.

Novartis derived several benefits from this research endeavor. By understanding the significant effect of painkillers on chronic pain, Novartis gained a deeper understanding of the role of pharmaceutical interventions in pain management. This knowledge informed healthcare strategies, treatment options, and patient education regarding the use of pain medications for chronic pain relief. These findings benefited healthcare providers and patients seeking practical solutions for chronic pain management.


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