The National Science Foundation (NSF) funded a project to explore the effect of internet use on perceived performance. With the increasing integration of technology into education and daily life, the client sought to investigate whether the extent of internet use had a discernible effect on how individuals perceived their performance.
To comprehensively address this research question, a project team was granted access to a substantial dataset consisting of survey responses from a diverse group of 8,000 students. This comprehensive study spanned three years, enabling a longitudinal examination of the relationship between internet use and perceived performance.
The dataset was primarily composed of survey data, which provided valuable insights into students’ internet usage patterns and their self-assessment of performance. This dataset served as the foundation for analysis, enabling researchers to delve into the potential effects of internet usage on individuals’ perceived performance levels.
The hypothesis was as follows: H1 – There is a significant effect of internet use on perceived performance. The objective was to rigorously test the hypothesis to determine whether internet use statistically affected individuals’ perceptions of their performance.
We conducted linear regression using the statistical software SPSS to address the research question and evaluate the hypothesis. We chose linear regression as the appropriate analytical method due to its suitability for examining the relationship between a continuous predictor variable (internet use) and a continuous outcome variable (perceived performance).
The findings from the linear regression analysis were pivotal in shedding light on the research question. The analysis revealed that internet use had a statistically significant effect on individuals’ perceived performance. This result provided empirical evidence of the influence of internet usage on how students perceived their academic or task-related achievements.
The client took actionable steps to enhance performance. The knowledge gained from this research informed decision-making processes and allowed the client to tailor their strategies and interventions to optimize the impact of internet use on performance.
Ultimately, the client benefited from this research by improving their understanding of the relationship between internet use and perceived performance. This knowledge enabled the client to implement targeted measures, such as educational interventions or technology policies, to harness the benefits of internet use while mitigating potential challenges. The NSF-funded project contributed to advancing our understanding of technology’s role in performance perception and paved the way for more informed approaches to education and professional development.