♦ Tailored solutions
- Our team of doctorates with deep technical expertise can efficiently deliver tailored solutions to solve your unique problems.
♦ Accurate results
- We guarantee timely turnaround time and the most accurate results possible.
♦ Friendly assistance
- We are always here to help you with anything you need.
- We can help you through your entire project, from start to finish.
♦ Data standards
- Our statisticians can implement the latest advances in data standards.
♦ Unlimited free revisions for ten days
- We provide unlimited revisions free of charge for ten days.
♦ Team approach of several specialists
- We can help you choose the correct methods, analyze your data, and provide expert feedback.
- We use a rigorous peer-review process to ensure the highest quality results.
♦ Endless support
- Our team can support you at every project stage.
- We offer unlimited email and phone support.
- Hours: Mon-Fri, 9:00 AM – 8:00 PM ET
- Contact: +1 (650) 460-7431
- Availability: 365 days per year
- Contact: info@amstatisticalconsulting.com
- We will respond within 1 hour during business hours.
- Please briefly overview your research project, your deadline, and the specific support you require.
24/7 Chat Support
- Please click our chat icon in the right corner of our website.
- Mobile users: To access our chat icon, please click ‘Exit mobile version’ at the end of our website.
- Please fill out our contact form in the left corner of our website.
- We will respond within 1 hour during business hours.
- Mobile users: Please click ‘Exit mobile version’ at the end of our website to access our contact form.
Office Visit
- Address: 530 Lytton Avenue, 2nd Floor, Palo Alto, CA 94301
- Please schedule an appointment to visit us.
Your confidentiality is our priority. Non-disclosure agreements are available upon request.
We can help you with any or all of the following steps:
- Establishing and operationalizing your hypotheses and research questions
- Providing instructions on the methods used
- Getting your dataset ready for analysis
- Inputting, organizing, coding, merging, managing, and cleaning your data
- Creating composite scores and labeling your data
- Dealing with missing data
- Detecting and correcting your database’s inaccurate and unexpected records
- Testing reliability (e.g., Cronbach’s alpha, test-retest reliability, split-half reliability, inter-rater reliability)
- Testing validity (e.g., convergent validity, construct validity, discriminant validity)
- Conducting analyses and assessing their assumptions
- Providing you with syntax and raw output files
- Writing up the results, including tables and figures
- Allowing unlimited email and phone support
- Providing unlimited revisions free of charge for ten days
- Supporting you until your project is complete.
We can help you with any or all of the following steps:
- Establishing your research questions
- Providing instructions on the methods used
- Coding your qualitative data
- Identifying themes and sub-themes
- Providing frequencies and percentages for each theme and sub-theme
- Writing up the results, including tables and figures
- Supporting you until your project is complete
- Providing unlimited revisions free of charge for ten days
- Allowing unlimited email and phone support.